Friday, July 13, 2012

Yo, sup guys? :D

Sorry I haven't been updating this much. Been so busy. @o@ Life is getting in the way of my writing, and I'm seriously considering on leaving my FanFiction up on this blog since I hardly ever do anything with it. I'm sorry!! ;; To make it up to you guys, check out the video below, the song is beautiful and very awesome. :D

I, of course, have many excuses:

1). Moving. Yeah, I'm moving. Where, I'm not gonna say, but I do know it involves boxes, boxes, and plenty more boxes.

2). Convention stuffs. San Japan Mach 5 (located in San Antonio, Texas, USA) is literally around the corner, and I have to get my cosplay and things done before then! If you're going, come and say hi! I'm gonna be the Eva-Beatrice (If you're unfamiliar with the character, go to the review linked below to get familiar with the character and the series) that's wandering around with a whole group of Umineko cosplayers, and an England from Axis Powers Hetalia! :D

3). I am also plan on getting a job soon. Meaning, a lot of things will end up going on hold so I can easily slip into my job. I'm not gonna say where, cos I might jinx it. It is Friday the 13th after all. ;D After getting the job, I'm going to go through the process of getting a car, and then moving into an apartment. Hopefully everything will fall into place~

Well, I'm off for now. I will slowly begin making the transaction of moving FanFictions from my FanFiction.Net and onto a blog somewhere here. Hope you don't mind dearies~ :3

The video -
The Character, Eva-Beatrice -

Saturday, April 28, 2012

So, I decided that I needed a separate blog for my randomness that doesn't pretain to anime reviewing. So this blog was born! I'm using it for my multiple musings, daily life information, and complete boredom.

Sorry there isn't much, but don't worry, I'll add some soon. :)

Also, there will be a separate blog for my "FanFictions," and that one won't have any pictures.

So, since this blog is so short, have some sunflowers.

Sunflowers make the world go round. :)