Friday, July 13, 2012

Yo, sup guys? :D

Sorry I haven't been updating this much. Been so busy. @o@ Life is getting in the way of my writing, and I'm seriously considering on leaving my FanFiction up on this blog since I hardly ever do anything with it. I'm sorry!! ;; To make it up to you guys, check out the video below, the song is beautiful and very awesome. :D

I, of course, have many excuses:

1). Moving. Yeah, I'm moving. Where, I'm not gonna say, but I do know it involves boxes, boxes, and plenty more boxes.

2). Convention stuffs. San Japan Mach 5 (located in San Antonio, Texas, USA) is literally around the corner, and I have to get my cosplay and things done before then! If you're going, come and say hi! I'm gonna be the Eva-Beatrice (If you're unfamiliar with the character, go to the review linked below to get familiar with the character and the series) that's wandering around with a whole group of Umineko cosplayers, and an England from Axis Powers Hetalia! :D

3). I am also plan on getting a job soon. Meaning, a lot of things will end up going on hold so I can easily slip into my job. I'm not gonna say where, cos I might jinx it. It is Friday the 13th after all. ;D After getting the job, I'm going to go through the process of getting a car, and then moving into an apartment. Hopefully everything will fall into place~

Well, I'm off for now. I will slowly begin making the transaction of moving FanFictions from my FanFiction.Net and onto a blog somewhere here. Hope you don't mind dearies~ :3

The video -
The Character, Eva-Beatrice -